pink mohair and anna of absolutely beautiful things have come together with an exciting new blog project casapinka - a house in translation. this is a new interactive project where anna, an interior designer and purveyor of all things beautiful in brisbane, australia, and pink mohair, lover of all things beautiful and sufferer of suburban house blah, come together over the web to give pink's casa a complete overhaul over the course of the next year. the two will never meet in person during the project and will post to their new site casapinka - a house in translation several times a week looking for your opinions and participation. casapinka - a house in translation has already given two prizes for participating, a design book and a choice of beautiful cushion from anna's smart shop black + spiro. don't miss out on the fun!!
Thanks for the wrap up, Amy. I'm looking forward to some fun collaboration and we are going to be picking your brain as much as you'll allow.
Thank you Amy for posting about our new blog. You are very kind.
I am very excited about Casapinka- it's not every day that two of my favorite bloggers get together and create a new blog, afterall. What could be better? I know I will be visiting daily. I am just hoping that they will throw a few design crumbs my way. I surely need it...
i am really looking forward to your project! good luck!
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